10/27/2012 To my Spanish 1 students: Unit 3 exam grades have been posted in Infinite CampusRead NowHello Spanish 1 students! I spent today grading the Unit 3 exam. They didn't come out as badly as I thought :)! I'm still working on the quizzes.
To my Spanish Speakers class: I haven't forgotten you! I will get to your assignments by tomorrow. And to all SCHS students: ¡ándale los Cardinales! Congrats to all our football (futbol americano) players!
Another announcement for my SCHS students: Don't forget the rally schedule for Friday. That means second period starts at 9:30. ¡Go Cardinals y ándale los Gigantes!
¡Muchas gracias de la parte de mi mamá! Thank you so much for all the cards you made to help my mother Eliane celebrate her 8oth birthday! And to my fourth period students: It was an absolutely brilliant idea to have us call her up and sing her "Feliz cumpleaños" en español. She was very surprised and very touched. She loved it, and it made it one her best birthdays ever!
You all rock! Con cariño, Sra. Ogi |
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February 2020