Due Tuesday, April 7
-Read the article "Why Everyone Should Learn a Second Language" (linked on the Blog). -Begin making and studying flashcards for Vocabulario 4 Due Wednesday, April 8 -Know the first section of the vocabulary "Saying what you have and what you need" for a quiz. -Continue making and studying flashcards for Vocabulario 4 Due Thursday April 9 -Media listening assignment #8
As of 5:00 pm tonight, I am "caught up" with posting assignments in Infinite Campus. Please check again for any "0" or missing scores. If you have a zero on something you know you turned in, please check all of your returned papers, the "no name" folder in the class crate. As a last resort, please email me a description of the missing assignment that you completed. I will finalize participation grades by Friday. Due Today: -Review tener ppt -Finish Texas Project Due Friday: Using the online forum, write a prediction of what you've think will happen next on "Bajo la misma luna." If you've already seen the movie, don't give it away. Instead, write what you think of the movie so far. Remember to use proper "Netiquette" in your post: No put-downs, and "school appropriate language." Note: This is the first time I've tried using the forum feature on this site, so I appreciate your patience in trying it out. Don't worry if you cannot get it to work. We'll answer questions about the movie during class on Friday. Due Tuesday, April 7 -Read the article "Why Everyone Should Learn a Second Language" (will be linked on the Blog). ![]()
As of 5:00 pm this evening, I am "caught up" with posting assignments in Infinite Campus. Please check again for any "0" or missing scores. If you have a zero on something you know you turned in, please check all of your returned papers, the "no name" folder in the class crate. As a last resort, please email me a description of the missing assignment that you completed. I will finalize participation grades by Friday. Due Today: -Color chart, if you haven't already turned it in. -Binder check for participation -Bring anything you might need for a project on Texas -Check your grades in IC: Missing assignments are due Today Due Thursday: -Review tener ppt -Finish Texas project ![]()
Due today: -Unit 3 vocabulary, gustar, activities, adjectives, gender agreement, ser, question words, definite articles, -ar, -verb conjugation, "Ir", querer, jugar, weather -Check your grades in IC: Missing assignments are due Weds. Wednesday March 25 -Color chart, if you haven't already turned it in. -Binder check for participation -Bring anything you might need for a project on Texas -Check your grades in IC: Missing assignments are due Today -Review Telling Time powerpoint ![]()
Due Today -Unit 3 flashcards. Fold and Learn 3 -Speaking assessment 3-2 -Study your review packet -Check your grades in IC: Missing assignments are due Weds. Tuesday March 24 -Unit 3 vocabulary, gustar, activities, adjectives, gender agreement, ser, question words, definite articles, -ar, -verb conjugation, "Ir", querer, jugar, weather -Check your grades in IC: Missing assignments are due Weds. Wednesday March 25 -Color chart, if you haven't already turned it in. -Binder check for participation -Bring anything you might need for a project on Texas -Check your grades in IC: Missing assignments are due Today ![]()
Due Today:
-Keep working on Speaking assessment -Watch Sr. Jordan video on colors - Do the matching exercise -Review powerpoint on negative expressions -Work on essay revisions for Tuesday's test Due Monday, March 23 -Unit 3 flashcards. Fold and Learn 3 -Speaking assessment 3-2 -Study review packet -Speaking assessment 3-2: You and your friend are planning what to do this Friday. Ask your friend what he or she usually does on Fridays after classes and with whom. Then say where you like to go and how often you go there. Find out if your friend wants to go with you. Tuesday March 24 -Cumulative exam, including Unit 3 vocabulary, gustar, activities, adjectives, gender agreement, ser, question words, definite articles, -ar, -verb conjugation, "Ir", querer, jugar, weather Writing prompt for Tuesday: •Write an email to your friend. Ask whether he/she likes to do a certain thing, then say whether you like to do that same thing. Mention something you like to do with your friends, and one thing you do not like to do. Then write about where you like to go in good weather, and what you like to do there. Then write one thing you like to do in bad weather. Say one thing you always do and one thing you never do. Tell him or her what you want to do on Saturday. Be sure to use gustar, querer, con…., and adverbs of frequency. Wednesday March 25 -Binder check for participation It's official. As of 5:00 pm this evening, I can say that I'm a bit behind with grading this week's homework assignments and quizzes. I should be caught up by this weekend. I appreciate your patience :). -Ogi Due Today: -Media listening #7 -Keep making and studying flashcards Due Friday: -Keep working on Speaking assessment -Watch Sr. Jordan video on colors - Do the matching exercise (Click here) -Review powerpoint on negative expressions -Work on essay revisions for Tuesday's test Due Monday, March 23 -Unit 3 flashcards. Fold and Learn 3 -Speaking assessment 3-2: You and your friend are planning what to do this Friday. Ask your friend what he or she usually does on Fridays after classes and with whom. Then say where you like to go and how often you go there. Find out if your friend wants to go with you. Tuesday March 24 -Cumulative exam, including Unit 3 vocabulary, gustar, activities, adjectives, gender agreement, ser, question words, definite articles, -ar, -verb conjugation, "Ir", querer, jugar, weather Wednesday March 25 -Binder check for participation Writing prompt for Tuesday: •Write an email to your friend. Ask whether he/she likes to do a certain thing, then say whether you like to do that same thing. Mention something you like to do with your friends, and one thing you do not like to do. Then write about where you like to go in good weather, and what you like to do there. Then write one thing you like to do in bad weather. Say one thing you always do and one thing you never do. Tell him or her what you want to do on Saturday. Be sure to use gustar, querer, con…., and adverbs of frequency. ![]()
Minimum Day
Due Today: -Study for Vocab translation quiz: Al the words/phrases in the "talking about what you want to do section. (con..., comigo, etc), querer) and section "Saying how often...": A veces, nunca, etc. -Watch Sr. Jordan Video on -er verb conjugation; write 5 examples -Keep making and studying flashcards Due Thursday: -Media listening #7 -Keep making and studying flashcards Due Monday, March 23 -Unit 3 flashcards. Fold and Learn 3 -Speaking assessment 3-2 Tuesday March 24 -Cumulative exam, including Unit 3 vocabulary, gustar, activities, adjectives, gender agreement, ser, question words, definite articles, -ar, -verb conjugation, "Ir", querer, jugar, weather Wednesday March 25 -Binder check for participation Due Today: -Watch ir+infinitive video - Sr. Jordan; Write 5 examples from the end of the video -Keep making and studying flashcards; do 10 more. Due Wednesday: -Study for Vocab translation quiz: Al the words/phrases in the "talking about what you want to do section. (con..., comigo, etc), querer) and section "Saying how often...": A veces, nunca, etc. -Watch Sr. Jordan Video on -er verb conjugation-Write 5 examples -Finish Writing Prompt 3. (Prompt can be found on Assessment Page link on this site) Due Thursday: -Media listening #7 -Keep studying flashcards Due Monday, March 23 -Unit 3 flashcards. Fold and Learn 3 -Speaking assessment 3-2 Tuesday March 24 -Cumulative exam, including Unit 3 vocabulary, gustar, activities, adjectives, gender agreement, ser, question words, definite articles, -ar, -verb conjugation, "Ir", querer, jugar, weather Wednesday March 25 -Binder check for participation ![]()
Due Today: -Watch ir (to go) video. Write 5 examples from the video -Keep making and studying flashcards; do 10 more. Due Tuesday: -Watch ir+infinitive video - Sr. Jordan; Write 5 examples from the end of the video -Keep making and studying flashcards; do 10 more. Due Thursday: -Media listening #7 Due Monday, March 23 -Unit 3 flashcards. Fold and Learn 3 -Speaking assessment 3-2 Tuesday March 24 -Cumulative exam, including Unit 3 vocabulary, gustar, activities, adjectives, gender agreement, ser, question words, definite articles, -ar, -verb conjugation, "Ir", querer, jugar, weather |
June 2015
Spanish 1 Calendar LinkAuthorSra. Ogi - Spanish Teacher, Santa Cruz High School Categories |