Due Today: Review Unit 2 for Final Exam; create your own study guide, including the following: -Vocabulary 2: Descriptions, age, birthdays (numbers 0-100); likes/dislikes -ser with adjectives -gender/adjective agreement -Forming questions -definite articles: el, la, los, las -gustar, ¿por qué?, porque -preposition "de" Be ready to share your study guide in class Keep your study guide materials together. You will turn in your final study guide on the day of the Final Exam. -Finish stem-change packet Due Monday -Look at Cita rápida 6-1 and final exam cita rápida -Study for final "ser/estar" quiz -Turn in 15 conjugations: 5 -ar verbs, 5 -er verbs, 5 -ir verbs Due Tuesday: Review Unit 3 for Final Exam; create your own study guide, including the following: -Vocabulary 3: activities you like to do -gustar with infinitives -Pronouns with prepositions (a mí, a ti, etc.) -querer with infinitives -regular -ar verb conjugation -Present tense of "ir" and "jugar" -weather expressions Be ready to share your study guide in class Keep your study guide materials together. You will turn in your final study guide on the day of the Final Exam. Due Wednesday -Review Unit 4 -Practice final exam cita rápida. Due Thursday June 4: All make-up work. ![]()
I'm hoping to be back tomorrow (Friday)! I have moved the deadline for make-up tests and missing assignments to next Wednesday June 5. Please email me, if you need help figuring out what you're missing. Due Today: Review Unit 2 for Final Exam; create your own study guide, including the following: -Vocabulary 2: Descriptions, age, birthdays (numbers 0-100); likes/dislikes -ser with adjectives -gender/adjective agreement -Forming questions -definite articles: el, la, los, las -gustar, ¿por qué?, porque -preposition "de" Be ready to share your study guide in class Keep your study guide materials together. You will turn in your final study guide on the day of the Final Exam. Vocabulary links Powerpoint links Cita rápida links Due Friday: -Finish stem-change packet -Study for final "ser/estar" quiz Due Monday: Review Unit 3 for Final Exam; create your own study guide, including the following: -Vocabulary 3: activities you like to do -gustar with infinitives -Pronouns with prepositions (a mí, a ti, etc.) -querer with infinitives -regular -ar verb conjugation -Present tense of "ir" and "jugar" -weather expressions Be ready to share your study guide in class Keep your study guide materials together. You will turn in your final study guide on the day of the Final Exam. ![]()
Due Today:
-Review Unit 1 for Final Exam; create your own study guide, including the following: -Greetings/Goodbyes -Subjects/Verbs -numbers/time/calendar -the verb "ser" Be ready to share your study guide in class Keep your study guide materials together. You will turn in your final study guide on the day of the Final Exam. Due Thursday: Review Unit 2 for Final Exam; create your own study guide, including the following: -Vocabulary 2: Descriptions, age, birthdays (numbers 0-100); likes/dislikes -ser with adjectives -gender/adjective agreement -Forming questions -definite articles: el, la, los, las -gustar, ¿por qué?, porque -preposition "de" Be ready to share your study guide in class Keep your study guide materials together. You will turn in your final study guide on the day of the Final Exam. Vocabulary lists Grammar Powerpoints Due Friday: -Finish stem-change packet -Study for final "ser/estar" quiz Due Today: -Review Grammar ppts 6-1-1, 6-1-2. Due Friday: -Finish stem-change packet Last day to turn in Make-up work -June 2. Due Wednesday: -Review Unit 1 for Final Exam; create your own study guide, including the following: -Greetings/Goodbyes -Subjects/Verbs -numbers/time/calendar -the verb "ser" Be ready to share your study guide in class Use the links below to find review materials Vocabulary Grammar Powerpoints ![]()
Due Today: -Study "ser" and "estar" for quiz Due Tuesday: -Review Grammar ppts 6-1-1, 6-1-2 ![]()
Due Today -Sr. Jordan video: ser vs. estar -House presentation, if you have not already done it. Due Friday: -Study "ser" and "estar" for quiz ![]()
Due Today:
-Watch Sr. Jordan video on the uses of ser. Learn the song at the end. -Polish presentations on "Mi casa ideal" Due Thursday -Sr. Jordan video: ser vs. estar (Scroll down to yesterday's entry) This is tough bug to shake! I'm so sorry that I have to be out again today! Thank you so much for being such wonderful and supportive students. It was really nice to see everyone yesterday. I hope to be back tomorrow! Schedule 8:00-9:55: Testing 10:05-11:10 1st period 11:10-11:50 Lunch 11:50-12:55 2nd period 1:00-2:05 3rd period 2:10-3:15 4th period Due Tuesday: -Watch Sr. Jordan video on the uses of ser. Learn the song at the end. Due Wednesday: -Polish presentations on "Mi casa ideal" -Sr. Jordan video: ser vs. estar Schedule 8:00-9:55: Testing 10:05-11:10 1st period 11:10-11:50 Lunch 11:50-12:55 2nd period 1:00-2:05 3rd period 2:10-3:15 4th period Due Today -La Casa de mis sueños parts, C,D, or E -finish writing your story from Friday. Due Tuesday: -Watch Sr. Jordan video on the uses of ser. Learn the song at the end. Due Wednesday: -Polish presentations on "Mi casa ideal" -Sr. Jordan video: ser vs. estar Hello everyone,
I have been very sick, but I’m turning the corner, and am out of bed. I’m still pretty wobbly, but a lot better than I was. I don’t have a lot of memory from last week. I was sick Monday and Tuesday. Next thing I knew, I was on a gurney, hooked up to IVs and EKGs. I apparently got very dehydrated. It’s very humbling to suddenly have everything so out of my control. I know that I’ve missed the Biliteracy interviews, and testing. I really apologize for the stress and inconvenience this has probably caused. I hope to be back soon! I’m going to see how much moving about I can do today, to determine whether I can make it in tomorrow. I’ll try to reschedule the interviews, as soon as possible. We can probably do them during a lunch or after school sometime in the next couple of weeks. I just need to be sure my stamina is back in place, before I schedule all that. Thank you so much for your patience and understanding! Tonie P.S. Guelaguetza is today! Get out there and enjoy it, if you can! |
June 2015
Spanish 1 Calendar LinkAuthorSra. Ogi - Spanish Teacher, Santa Cruz High School Categories |