Writing Prompt: You have been asked to write a paragraph about yourself for the Spanish Club newsletter. Include the date, your name, where you are from, your birthday, and how old you are. Talk about what the weather is like in your hometown during certain months of the year. End with an appropriate goodbye.
Other things to know for the exam:
•Greet your partner and introduce yourself. Ask his/her name. •Tell your partner you’re pleased to meet him or her and say your name. •Ask where your partner is from. Respond and ask where your partner is from. •Ask you partner how to spell his/her name. Ask for your partner’s phone number. •Respond. •Close with an appropriate “despedida.”
Watch the following video. Write down four different examples of definite articles used with pronouns from the video. Watch the following video from Butterfly Spanish on weather. Write down five examples from the video. |
June 2015
Spanish 1 Calendar LinkAuthorSra. Ogi - Spanish Teacher, Santa Cruz High School Categories |