Weather in Southeast is returning to something closer to normal. It's still warm, but at least we're getting rain now. Petersburg and Wrangell both have really great public radio stations. We got really lucky while transiting Wrangell Narrows. The Petersburg station played an hour-long show about ukulele virtuoso Jake Shimabukuro. He's one of my favorites, and his "Gone Fishing" song is one of the ring tones on my phone. It's fun to have Hawaiian music like that up here. We had the best weather ever for July 4 celebrations here in Southeast. Craig does their fireworks show on July 3 and Klawock does them on July 4. So we have two nights of staying up late, as both towns go "all out." After a rather disappointing king opener, we spent some time on boat maintenance and general recovery. Now it's time for some new adventures. We'll be out of cell range for a few days. |
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February 2020