I've got my fever down and my voice has come back. So I'm back in class today. I'm still feeling a little wobbly, but I'm better than I was. I can tell that yesterday was a rough day for everyone, so it's good that I can be back today. Right now, I'm cleaning up after yesterday's "devastation." Hopefully we'll get back on track today. If you need to make up a test, you're welcome to come in at lunch today. Otherwise, I'm scheduling another make-up for next Wednesday 12/19.
Thank you again for your patience! A teacher's worst nightmare is getting sick!
And I got a flu shot in October, so I'm really perplexed. I still have a fever and a croaky voice, which could be entertaining in Spanish class, if I weren't feeling so crummy. I really don't like to gripe about not feeling well online, so I will keep this brief. We'll see what a good night's sleep will do for me tonight. Maybe I'll feel better tomorrow.
Those of you waiting for test make-ups, I'm still hoping for Friday at lunch. There is always next week, if this Friday doesn't work out. I'm hoping that I have not spread this bug around too much. Thanks again for your patience, Sra. Ogi ¡Hola! I'm still sick today, so I'm moving out test make-ups to Friday 12/14 at lunch. I miss you!
Saludos, Sra. Ogi It looks like I've caught a variation of a bug that many of you have been fighting over the last couple of weeks. I was feeling a little off yesterday, but I thought I would be ok today. However, as this morning kicked off, I realized that I would not be in very good shape to run our classes today. So please be kind with your guest teacher, and I will try to come back as soon as I can.
I will reschedule our "Casa de mis sueños" presentations for when I return. We will still do exam/quiz make-ups on Wednesday at lunch, if I'm back. If not, we'll reschedule those too. Stay tuned to this blog for latest updates. Thanks for your patience and understanding. Con cariño, Sra. Ogi Current grades are now posted in Infinite Campus. Remember, there is still time to study hard to raise your grade before the end of the semester on January 24. Don't give up!
The next opportunity for test make-ups will be next Wednesday, 12/12/12 at lunch. Don't forget your "Casa de mis sueños" project that's due on Tuesday. Con cariño, Sra. Ogi Tuesday at lunch is the last opportunity for test make-ups before the progress reposts. Also, don't forget the minimum day schedule for Wednesday 12/5
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February 2020